Oklahoma Monument Fund Announced, First Target Set

Home  »  Oklahoma Monument Fund Announced, First Target Set

Gary Banz of the Oklahoma Capitol Project Advisory Committee, accompanied by MyBillofRights.org* Executive Director Chris Bliss, announced the committee’s first fundraising target today during a news conference held at the monument’s site on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol.

The project’s preliminary budget is $850,000, and will be our largest installation to date. Our first fundraising target is to raise $100,000 to fund the design selection process and complete design development for the winning design.

A dedicated account for contributions has been established at Oklahoma’s BancFirst. The account will be administered by the Oklahoma Capitol Project Advisory Committee.

To contribute please send your check or money order, payable to The Foundation Foundation (Oklahoma Capitol Project) to:

The Bill of Rights Monument Project
Oklahoma Capitol Project Account
PO Box 22122
Oklahoma City OK 73123
All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowable, and will be acknowledged by email, so please include an email address if contributing by check.
You can also contribute to the fund via credit card or PayPal at the links below:

Make a one-time contribution to the Oklahoma Capitol Project.

Make a monthly contribution to the Oklahoma Capitol Project.
For questions and further information, the Oklahoma Capitol Project Advisory Committee’s contact phone is (405) 919-4881. You can also email us by clicking the link below.
Request more information about our Oklahoma project


*(On January 1, 2021 MyBillofRights.org officially became The Bill of Rights Monument Project. Our new trade name was registered with the Arizona Secretary of State’s office effective November 18, 2020)